Why Seo seems so Frustrating?

Why Seo seems so Frustrating?

The problem with Search Engine Optimisation is that for the most part, we can never know the exact effectiveness of any technique, or how long any particular technique will remain effective. One thing that you can take for certain is Google wants to provide it’s users with the best possible results and so they will continue to tweak their algorythm to do just that.

Because no individual technique can be relied upon to deliver results, it is far more important to have a strategy based on overall vision and not on one particular area. For example, if you only concentrate on onsite optimisation, when those techniques become less authoritive all your hard work will be wasted. But if you have a strategy that is based upon just providing the best possible content for your audience, any algorythmic changes will only benefit you in the long run.

Interlinking your pages is not a bad technique on the surface, but over-doing it will have negative effects on your website. It’s important to remember that only the first link from one page to another will transfer value, so any other references are just a waste of time. Like I said, any particular technique should not be relied upon to gain significant results, and so you should not go over-board with interlinking your pages.

Although you might not be punished by Search Engine Spiders, your users will have a negative opinion of your website if you stuff it full of interlinks that do not fit natually into the page or if your copy has been specifically written to game SEO. It doesn’t take a savvy SEO specialist to spot bad copy or notice that the written content of a site sounds spammy or not from a credible source. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how many people you get to your website through organic search results if none of them convert because you have a poor quality website with sleazy content.

A lot of companies waste their time by writing a blog with the sole intention of linking back to their website with exact match keyphrases. This is a waste of time because this will only have a very marginal positive effect because all the links will be coming from the same domain. Secondly you aren’t going to build an audience if all your blog is looking to achieve is build as many interlinks as possible. Having a highly engaged, qualified audience is far more valuable than building a huge amount of very low quality links. Focus your time and energy on building the best audience you possibly can in order to build good quality links and convert subscribes into customers.